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Me and David Tennant....

Updated: Apr 11, 2020

It's not what you think. It's actually more about communication, but at least I got you reading <grin>. Watching a clip from the Graham Norton show recently, I howled when the delightful Mr. Tennant admitted he had no idea of the meta-layer behind the emojis you can send in texts. I admit to feeling his pain. (the clip is below in case you're interested). Language, its power and its fluidity, can often lead us into seriously worrisome situations. Imagine my puzzlement when I asked, in front of a few friends, whether they wanted to head back to my place to watch Netflix and chill... I thought it was exactly what it meant.... apparently not...yeah.... so that happened. But my gaffe was a laughable moment. At best, these situations are exactly that, laughable lessons, at worst they can be devastating.

The way we communicate is also a message as to who we are. My gaffe placed me in a certain age bracket for sure but it also prompted me to research a little more into the online environment. (Yes, I asked my children). It was an excellent reminder to stay in touch with both popular culture and professional lingo. In professional circumstances this prior research is key. Learning who your audience will be enables you to "read the room" more easily, take cues from the conversations occurring around you and choose language wisely. Emotional flexibility.

Thanks for reading, here's the clip...


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